Jesus the Christ: Kingship

1 Samuel 8 | The people of Israel do not want what is given to them, 8:7. God had given them all of the leadership that they needed through the Judges and the Lord’s words to them. They in turn ask for what they think to be more, but is actually something far less than the good that God had given them. And this theme runs rampant in our lives. We reject what God has given us because we think that what we want is something better. And we see a similar rejection to the one in 1 Sam. take place with Jesus and His Kingship.

The Jews might have been insulted to think that Jesus, a                                                      carpenter’s son, could be their promised King.

– Sign of mockery on the Cross
-“Are you king of the Jews?”

Jesus’ triumphal entry demonstrates His Kingship in a very powerfully humble way. John 12:12 people laid down palm branches. A symbol triumph from the time of the Maccabees. (Trent’s favorite book of the Bible) But, to juxtapose this Jesus rode in not on a powerful steed but on a donkey. A lowly donkey. Jesus knew what He came to do, but once again the people did not understand.

What is the Biblical idea of a kingdom? Not so much a geographic region as much as it is a sphere of the Royalty’s influence. Once again, a very encouraging thing to understand as we work to see the Lord’s relationship and interaction with us. As God is omnipotent all is within His sphere of influence.

Christ’s Kingdom: Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. What does that mean for us? (Share any stories from last week. Examples of building the Kingdom.)

Mark 1:15 – Kingdom of God is near.

Mark 15:2 – Jesus tells us that He is the King.

We can experience the power of His reign as we obey Him. When Christ                            comes again we will see the Kingdom in full power.

God & Jesus: An Intimate Relationship

A look at divine community.  John 1:1-3. Use this lesson as an opportunity to know better the way that the Father and the Son interact with each other and then how we can live better in community.

Evidences for plurality when speaking of God OT:

Genesis 1:26 – Let us make man in our own image, after Our likeness
Genesis 3:22 – “Like one of Us”
Genesis 11:7 – “Let Us go down”
Isaiah 6:8 – “Who will go for Us?”

These are all beautiful examples of the openness of communication that                              exists between the Father and the Son and the Spirit. For right now,                          however, we are only focusing on the Father and the Son. There is a                                    consent between the Trinity about the actions that are taken. Isaiah 6:8                             clearly points to the unity which exists in Their desire for the Father’s                               glory.

We can be most unified when we are in agreement about working together                          in order to bring God more glory.

Evidences for plurality of Persons in the NT:

1 Corinthians 8:4-6 – One God, and recognition of the Lordship of Jesus.
Ephesians 4:3-6 – Again, pointing to oneness.
James 2:19 – Same as above
John 6:27 – Seeing the Father is God
Matthew 9:4 – Jesus possessed traits only existent in God
Matthew 28:18-20 – God’s traits displayed in the Great Commission.

Seeing the unique roles that are filled by the different Persons of the                                    Trinity.

Timothy Keller quote about the Trinity. And how does this apply to us and our   community relationships with each other? Common Goal, breaking bread, prayer, etc.