God & His Nature: Omni-Qualities

Introduction: What do we gain by studying these large, seemingly distant parts of God? Well, hopefully we will see how these HUGE aspects lead us to a deeper understanding of His intimate affections for us.


  • Meaning that God is all powerful. That there is no thing which He cannot do unless it is contrary to His nature.
  • In Scripture the only time that we see the word almighty used in when                 referring to God

Scripture references: Genesis 17:1-2 God refers to Himself as almighty. And what he says he will do He does 2 Corinthians 6:16-18

As with the other omni qualities of God that we will look at, we will see                            that they have an overarching effect on us. And display more clearly Who                               God is.


Meaning: “That God knows everything, things actual and possible, effortlessly and equally well.” Ryrie

Acts 15:16-18, God is working out His plan that He has known for ages.

This aspect of God offers a great deal of security for us believers. There is nothing that can ever happen, or that we might do which would or could surprise God. We can rest in His knowledge and love. Ephesians and God’s “grand, cosmic, eternal plan”. 2:10 “Prepared in advance for us to do.” God has His plan for us and it cannot and will not be thwarted. God knows us better than we know ourselves. Psalm 139:1-6, Hebrews 4:13.


Meaning that “God is everywhere present with His whole being at all                                 times.” Ryrie

For me, this concept is so very hard to grasp in a very wonderful way.  It is not that God is spread out throughout the entire universe like a sheet, if that were true that would mean that there was only a part of God in a particular place. Instead, God wholly exists everywhere. Further, this does not mean that God exists completely in atom-like areas to a seemingly infinite number. But rather, He wholly exists HERE  HERE and HERE .

We also wee that God’s immediacy differs in certain places. This concept is particularly wonderful as it pertains to us believers. Galations 2:20 It is another mystery of the Gospel that through the Cross Jesus Christ our Lord and savior dwells in us. Wonderful. & The Security of Immutability

In summation look at Psalm 77. (Have people read, same with above                                  verses) In the first 9vv David is deeply troubled and in despair. Notice verses 7-9 and the questions he asks. He asks if God’s promises have failed? “forgotten to be merciful?”

And look where he turns to remember Who his God is… “The                                            years of the right hand of the Most High.” David looks to Who God  has been in the past and he trusts that He will be the same in the future. That is faith in God’s immutability. Verses 16-20 are a poetic rendering of the Lord leading His people through the Red Sea. We look at Who God has been in the past and we can trust for Him to be the same for us always.

He is faithful and just to us.